Diepgat Canyon includes an array of sites suitable for Normoxic and Hypoxic dives from 50 to 100m+ and is famous for the world's shallowest recording (54m) of a Coelacanth by none other than SeaXplore's very own Christo van Jaarsveld. Diepgat is famous for a stunning Green Coral Tree that is home to Moray Eels, hordes of Goldies and numerous other species. Diepgat is a magical place that should be on the must dive list of any technical Diver.

Jessor Canyon became world famous when Coelacanths where first discovered there in October 2000. Since then, deep divers (including SeaXplore's own Christo van Jaarsveld) and scientists have documented a total of at least 33 individuals in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park at Sodwana Bay. One of the most recently recorded Coelacanths, individual 33, was named "Christo" as it was first discoverd by Christo van Jaarsveld in Jessor Canyon in July 2018.

White Sands Canyon is a lesser known canyon that lies east of 7 Mile Reef. The canyon head lies at a depth of about 90m and stretches seaward to a maximum depth of 710m and is shaped like a hand with fingers reaching shore-ward from the sea. A terrace located between 100m to 120m is present in the canyon head. White Sands Canyon is a rarely dived location and perfect for deep SeaXploration.