SSI Dive Guide program provides candidates with the knowledge and training necessary to supervise and guide certified divers on recreational scuba dives. Minimum age: 15 years old (must be 18 years old to work as an active status Professional Dive Guide).
Logged at least 50 open water dives totalling 32 hours or more.
Pass all requirements and evaluations.
Complete the water fitness evaluation.
Complete a Dive Guide final exam with a passing score of 90%.
RSTC Medical Statement. Proof of recent (within 2 yrs) CPR-, First Aid-, and Oxygen First Aid training. Diver Stress & Rescue (or equivalent) certification.
Experience in specialty programs, min 5 dives each, for Navigation, Night/Limited Visibility and Deep Diving. Min. 40 logged dives.
Upon completion of this program, students receive the Dive Guide rating. On submission of
the full Training Record and other required docu-mentation the relevant
SSI Service Center will issue a SSI Dive Guide certification. Professional status can be acquired through registration.
Course price includes registration fees, a minimum of five (5) dives, instructor fees and air fills. Course price does not include travel, accommodation and/or catering. For information on catering and accom-modation click here.